Sunday 11 July 2021

Anno Domini 1666 - Veterans of the Tercios

I started collecting Annon Domini 1666 miniatures last year when I was searching for some decent musketeer figures to use in games of En Garde, Osprey's skirmish rules, and happened across them. The game is by Polish company Wargamer and is set in a fictional Vienna where players engage in various acts of subterfuge and daring.  The base set purchased but remains un-played something I hope to remedy soon. At the same time I bought these Spaniards, mostly because they had some dynamic sword wielding poses.

With lots of browns, it was Contrast paints all the way apart from the metallic details and a few highlights on the lone colourful figure (believe it or not she has a sneak skill!).

Pleased with these but I have to pay more attention to mould lines next time as I missed a few that are highlighted up with the Contrast paint. Another lesson to learn.

Next up the King's Musketeers! (yes there's four of them)