I like airplanes or at least I like the idea of airplanes. Never really been that keen on flying or at least the type that most of us get to do which is akin to taking a cramped bus; right up to the point something goes wrong.
Warlord Spitfires |
I've also long had an obsession with the Battle of Britain. The first book I had on the subject was published by Remus and I was given it at age five. Although it had a fair amount of text it was lavishly illustrated in the Commando book style and came with a simple wargame.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of it but I remember the British counters were orange the German an olive green and basically the Germans had to knock out four RAF stations and the British had to knock out the bombers. It was easy and quick to learn and I was still playing it five years later.
ME109s |
What I've always wanted to do is track the fate of a RAF squadron through the Battle itself; recording sorties, kills and mourning losses. The closest I have come to that experience was playing the campaign mode of
'Their Finest Hour' a Lucasfilm computer game published in 1989 on my then state of the art Commodore Amiga. If you remember it (and I do fondly) then there is the opportunity to download it and run it on an emulator from a number of abandon ware sites (I don't remember it that fondly) or see just how far things have come on
I have attempted in the past to run this campaign but time restrictions have got in the way along with a bit of social life.
Which makes it sound as if I have the time now as I don't really have a social life... this could be true sadly what with age and lockdown(s). So, let's rev up those engines and see where it takes us.
Early on in the piece I decided that although I would try and stick to encounters based on real events, the squadron itself would not be one that fought in the battle. I chose a number which has some personal meaning, 327, and a little research revealed this to be a designation given to a former Vichy French squadron in December 1943.
Hurricanes |
The next question was which rules. They are plenty out there but I wanted something that was quick, I estimated that even a sortie a day would mean 50+ games, and didn't rely on shooting down every aircraft to determine a winner. The RAF had a high attrition rate but I was looking for a realistic one. Finally it had to be suitable to a bit of solo play. Eventually I decided to try Warlord's Blood Red Skies particular for the boom chit system which gave a mechanic for squadrons being dispersed, running out of ammunition or nerve without much bookkeeping. In addition boom chits in BRS can end a game with no aircraft shot down. The Facebook group for BRS also had a useful download for an enemy AI to help with the solo aspect.
BRS was part of haul purchased at Warlord's store in 2018 |
So next thing would be to introduce some campaign mechanics...