Sunday, 26 April 2020

League of Augsburg - Joining the Navy!

Just before the lockdown I took part in a day of playing with the League of Augsburg's excellent set of naval rules. Barry Hilton, of all things League of Augsburg (and author of the rules), hosted and has written up some excellent battle reports from the day which can be found here:
Action at Dunkirk
One Thousand Irish
de Ruyter on the Volta

Worth looking at simply for the fantastic ships and scenery, a true privilege to game with.

As for the results, all I can say is I got very, very lucky in game one! (Sorry Dave).

Anyway, as ever when encountering something new, gorgeous and shiny I had to have a go myself and through the miracles of the internet I ordered a Dutch starter fleet from Tumbling Dice whilst coincidentally sat in Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam killing time after a business trip.

I decided to try my first ship using Contrast paints because I thought they would do a reasonable job and, of course, I'm inherently lazy.

The ship selected for my ministrations was a hoeker, 15 minutes of work (including cleaning and undercoating the model) resulted in this:

Basically a Wraithbone undercoat, sails Skeleton Horde, wood Snakebite Leather and rigging Basillicum Grey. Could do with a little tidy up (magnified images tend to show things up!), a decent base and some varnish but quite pleased with my first attempt.

No flags or additional rigging on this one due to size but I'm going to tackle something bigger next...

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Empire Spearmen and Wizard

The Empire Army continues to be assembled. This regiment is from the batallion pack that used to be available before the world that was met its apocalyptic fate. The figures themselves are still available and have recently been included as part of the Age of Sigmar, Cities of Sigmar codex.

Also finished is a figure started way back in 2014.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Grey Knight Terminators

These have been sitting on the painting desk for a few years just needing some finishing details and basing. Finally, their moment came.