perusers of this blog will have noticed a slight trend forming (ok two slight
trends but I'm ignoring the 40K bit for now), the appearance over the last year
or so of 6mm Napoleonics.
Up until now I have
pretty much stuck with 28mm with the exception of some 15mm for Flames of War.
But I have limited space to campaign, at a stretch I can set up a 12X6 table in
the room formerly referred to as our garage (I know this is riches to many) but
even at that size it's not going to be able to be transformed into Borodino or
Austerlitz at that scale.
And that's before I
get to thinking aout the figures required and the time needed to paint them - a
constant source of moaning on these virtual pages.
So, I finally came
to the conclusion that much as I love the pomp and well turned heel of the
modern 28mm figure, if I want to recreate conflict in the grand Napoleonic
manner then I would have to think small.
About 6mm in fact.
This would give me a reasonable groundscale to fight the most famous Napoleonic
conflicts at home.
28mm Perry French Infantry and 6mm Baccus Russian cannon |
Now I needed an
excuse to get another mountain of lead past the better, smarter, purse-string
holding half (a bit of indiscriminate flattery just in case she happens upon
this article). Don't get me wrong the better half is very supportive of my
hobby, partially as it excuses her dalliances with all things cross-stitch but
mostly as it keeps me in a small controlled space where interaction with her
friends and our neighbours is minimised, along with all the associated
embarrassemnt that brings. The better half's main concern was,like most in the
hobby, I spend much more time buying and painting miniatures than I do actually
playing with them. Things get painted and then boxed away on a shelf without a
chance of every answering a bugle call or more likely just get shelved and left
So I made a deal, I
would indulge this diversion if I could purchase pre-painted units. I
identified a couple of painters on eBay and after getting samples settled on
one. This has proved a good way to build the collection, for a modest (in hobby
terms) outlay I can receive a few ready painted battallions and all I have to
do is base them and get them on the table.
Part of a Waterloo test set up in the garage. Figures Baccus, cloth Cigar Box Battles |
Tricky bit over I
thought; basing them, that sounds easy, then I made the mistake of looking on
TMP for some rational deabate on the subject...