Well the best thing about 2019 as far as my hobby is
concerned is that the miniatures painted/bought scorecard gets reset to 0 after a disastrous 2018. I
really must complete projects before I purchase. I feel that the cuirassier project has improved my speed skills and I need to reduce the number of
colours and washes I use. (at least for rank and file). I’m not convinced that the results merit the time and
who is looking that closely when the troops get out on to the battlefield
More speed needed |
Some planning would help too with project completion. The
6mm Napoleonics does have several monitoring tools in place. I’m using the
Wargaming Company’s source books to plan purchases and ensure I have the
correct forces to fight through the various battles, hopefully ending in Borodino.
I also have a burgeoning solo campaign idea based round a fictional squadron in
the Battle of Britain using the excellent Battle of Britain: A day to day Chronicle by Patrick Bishop as a the primary source.
But both of these have to wait until the cuirassiers are
Yeah... those guys... |
Finally, I really need to play more games. I’ve been
accumulating stuff now for the ten years since I re-entered the hobby and most
have never seen even a minor engagement. There are barbarian hordes, Wehrmacht
Divisions, Napoleonic armies and who knows what else kicking around the garage
and study wondering if the call to deploy will ever come. I don’t get them out
to look at either. Perhaps its time to look at joining a club, at least until
the twins are old enough to compete…
Much more of this required... |
Resolution Summary
Finish those cuirassiers – this is the priority
as there is a hard end date for these!
Start planning projects – decide in advance
what’s wanted and needed and to what purpose
Finish projects – maybe I can break the habit of
a hobby-time and finish something!
Play more games.
And of course, use that airbrush…
Happy New Year everybody!